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[assembly languagetestos

Description: TestOS - 带简单GUI的DOS扩展OS// 源代码// ASM// 英文 -TestOS-with simple dos distention OS of GUI//resource code//ASM//English
Platform: | Size: 125689 | Author: wjli | Hits:

[Other resourceStudentsInfoManagement2008

Description: A simple vc example about students information management with a simple dos GUI.
Platform: | Size: 52156 | Author: 李伟 | Hits:

[assembly languagetestos

Description: TestOS - 带简单GUI的DOS扩展OS// 源代码// ASM// 英文 -TestOS-with simple dos distention OS of GUI//resource code//ASM//English
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: wjli | Hits:


Description: PWIN - DOS下的扩展GUI// 源代码// C// 中文-PWIN-DOS extensions GUI// source// C// Chinese
Platform: | Size: 950272 | Author: 李志海 | Hits:


Description: Turbo C 3.0 + UCOS2 + UCGUI PC学习版本, 在csword网友的基础上改正了一个BGI的小问题,并 加入了IDE环境:Turbo C++ 3.0 带路径直接解压到到D:\根目录就能用, 解压后,请运行d:\myworks\tc\tc.exe 而后打开项目选择d:\myworks\tc\bin\ucgui\ucgui.prj 而后按Ctrl+F9下运行即可。 注意运行后在WinXP全屏下会没有响应, 建议在Vmware下或纯DOS环境运行。-Turbo C 3.0 UCOS2 learning UCGUI PC version, in csword Netizen corrected on the basis of a small BGI, and joined the IDE environment : Turbo C 3.0 with a direct path to extract to the D : \ root directory can be used, unpacked, run d : \ myworks \ tc \ tc.exe then open the project selection d : \ myworks \ tc \ bin \ ucgui \ ucgui.prj then press Ctrl F9 can operate. Attention after the WinXP operating under full screen will not respond to the proposal, under VMware or pure DOS operating environment.
Platform: | Size: 4661248 | Author: 王萧风 | Hits:

[2D GraphicGUI_TC20

Description: 一个真正的多窗口的图形界面系统,支持鼠标和各种控件,用tc2.0就可以编译通过。编译的时候用tc2.0打开gui.prj然后build就行。-A truly multi-window graphical interface system, to support the mouse and a variety of controls, you can compile with tc2.0 through. Compile time gui.prj with tc2.0 and then build on the open line.
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: 陈显永 | Hits:

[Education soft systemStudentsInfoManagement2008

Description: A simple vc example about students information management with a simple dos GUI.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 李伟 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMiniGUI-DOS-31

Description: 这个是MINIGUI最原始的版本. 在提供DOS下在GUI实现, 了解这个版本可以了解MINIGUI的历史, 它原来叫WYMGUI,完全带个人色彩. 其中有DOC文档 做了详细的介绍说明. 大家看看. -This is the most primitive version of MiniGUI. In the provision of DOS in the GUI implementation, this version can know MiniGUI know the history, its original name WYMGUI, complete with a personal touch. There is one of DOC document to do a detailed description of the introduction. Everyone to see.
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: 刘镜安 | Hits:


Description: 计算器雏形,没有做MFC,正在尝试用QT做界面-the simple computer with DOS.it s tring to use Qt making a GUI.
Platform: | Size: 1657856 | Author: leo | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMatlab

Description: 什么是GUI呢 ? GUI是Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面的意思,象很多高级 编程语言一样,Matlab也有图形用户界面开发环境,随着计算机技术的飞速发展, 人与计算机的通信方式也发生的很大的变化,从原来的命令行通讯方式(例如很早 的DOS系统)变化到了现在的图形界面下的交互方式,而现在绝大多数的应用程序 都是在图形化用户界面下运行的-What is a GUI then? GUI is a Graphical User Interface graphical user interface means, like a lot of the same high-level programming language, Matlab also has a graphical user interface development environment, with the rapid development of computer technology, human and computer communications have taken place in a large changes, from the original command-line means of communication (such as an early DOS systems) change to the current interactive graphical interface mode, and now the vast majority of applications are in a graphical user interface running under
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: All_blue | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGUI

Description: 什么是GUI呢 ? GUI是Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面的意思,象很多高级 编程语言一样,Matlab也有图形用户界面开发环境,随着计算机技术的飞速发展, 人与计算机的通信方式也发生的很大的变化,从原来的命令行通讯方式(例如很早 的DOS系统)变化到了现在的图形界面下的交互方式,而现在绝大多数的应用程序 都是在图形化用户界面下运行的-What is a GUI then? GUI is a Graphical User Interface graphical user interface means, like a lot of the same high-level programming language, Matlab also has a graphical user interface development environment, with the rapid development of computer technology, human and computer communications have taken place in a large changes, from the original command-line means of communication (such as an early DOS systems) change to the current interactive graphical interface mode, and now the vast majority of applications are in a graphical user interface running under
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: All_blue | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesJingzi_Game

Description: 用C语言写的井字游戏(Tic-Tac),棋盘有9个空格,横竖及对角线有3个就获胜,没有GUI,完全的DOS程序。-Tic-Tac-written with C language games, the board has 9 spaces, horizontal, and diagonal has three to win, there is no GUI, complete DOS programs.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 时嘉赟 | Hits:

[assembly languageSYBC1.1.42

Description: SYBC 1.1.43 DOS下的命令行GUI工具 用于进行快速方便的彩色字符显示 附带鼠标键盘输入功能 例:SYBN 11010$F1123 456 789-SYBC 1.1.43 DOS command line under the GUI tools for rapid and convenient color character display with mouse and keyboard input cases: SYBN 11010 $ F1123 456 789
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: SYBN | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCODE_UPLOAD

Description: VC++写的图画工具。这油漆工具类似于油漆我们在门窗配件,但有一个有限的功能。但这种涂料可以执行在Dos环境不支持的Windows。这不是一个主件应用于这类,但我已经试图模拟windows控制、菜单、弹出窗口、gui在简单的C语言图形函数。你一定会找到这个应用程序的界面相当有趣的图标、菜单、消息框等,这些函数和过程可以重用你的任何应用程序中,您可能想添加一些GUI界面。这是完全鼠标驱动的。其他功能是您创建的图像使用此应用程序兼容Windows漆效用——这是你会得到实际的BMP这将被视为BMP的任何其他应用程序。(如词等)。-Tool picture VC++ write. This painting tools similar to paint the doors and windows accessories, but there is a limited functionality. However, this coating can be executed in a DOS environment does not support Windows. This is not a main pieces used in this category, but I' ve been trying to simulate control windows, menus, pop-up window, gui simple C language graphics functions. You will definitely find this application' s interface is quite interesting icon, menu, message box, etc., these functions and procedures can be reused any of your application, you may want to add some GUI interface. This is completely mouse driven. The other feature is the image you create using this application is compatible with Windows Paint utility- you will get the actual BMP will be treated as any other application of BMP. (Such as words).
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 可爱小河马 | Hits:

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